Light Therapy & Safety

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Light therapy has been around for decades; however, it's starting to regain its popularity in the modern world—and for a good reason. The benefits of non-invasive light therapy have astounded people. 

By using varying colors of light, people can experience the following benefits:

  • Improves hair growth
  • Promotes wound healing
  • Builds collagen, diminishing wrinkles and giving a youthful glow
  • Treats carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Reduces skin conditions including acne and psoriasis
  • Relieves pain and inflammation
  • Reduces the appearance of scars
  • Prevent recurring cold sores from herpes simplex virus infections
  • Provides relief of rheumatoid arthritis pain
  • Treats sun damage
  • Improves joint health
  • Reduces side effects of cancer treatments

As you can see, light therapy provides a large variety of treatment options depending on the recipient's needs. If you're a dermatologist or aesthetician, light therapy devices can improve collagen production and mild to severe skin conditions. If you're a physiotherapist, light therapy can aid in helping your patients recover from joint and muscle inflammation. 

But how does light therapy work? The light penetrates through the skin, producing a biochemical effect in the cells. By doing so, it stimulates ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production within the mitochondria—the powerhouse of the cells—giving the cells more energy. With more energy, the cells can function optimally, rejuvenating and repairing damaged cells faster. 

Nothing is being added into the body, nor is it altering the body's composition. Light therapy focuses on quickening ATP production, which is naturally produced within the cells, hence why it's a popular non-invasive treatment method.

That said, whenever a "new" technology goes mainstream, many people question if it's safe to use. As a society, we've become used to our invasive treatment methods such as surgery and pharmaceuticals and more skeptical of alternative methods. But there are non-invasive and safe options to treat and heal the body.

It's time to explore the safety behind light therapy. So if you've been curious about incorporating light therapy into your practice, it's time to answer the question: is red and infrared light therapy safe?

In short, yes. But let's go into a little more detail. Light therapy has been around for decades and was used to treat patients in the 1920s and 1930s. Though effective, our technological advancements have helped create light therapy devices that exceed expectations. A study by researchers from Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) found that light therapy has measurable, positive effects on the brain when examining brain-damaged participants. 

Light therapy is non-invasive and does not cause any burning or pain to the recipient. There are some short-term side effects, but they are rare. Those rare side effects may include tenderness and skin redness. Individuals should not use light therapy if they're on certain medications such as Accutane or any acne/topical treatments that cause sensitivity to sunlight. 

If you work with pregnant women, you may be wondering: is it safe to use red light therapy while pregnant? Yes, it is to use. Light therapy is used to treat pregnant women with depressive disorder, showing a 50% decrease in their symptoms after using light therapy 60 minutes per day and did not negatively affect the fetus. Of course, pregnant women should always consult their physician prior to any treatments.

As a licensed dermatologist, aesthetician, or physiotherapist, you want to make sure you're using the safest and most effective devices on the market. At Kaiyan, our light therapy devices are MDA-certified and FDA-approved, and customizable, ensuring that you receive the highest-quality light therapy treatment devices. 

We hope we've answered your question: is laser light therapy safe? If you do have more questions, please contact our team, and we'll be happy to speak with you.